Bulls Wanted. Yes, they are. Kinda. The design is for the wives wanting bulls, and also for the husbands of those wives, but the topic here is aimed at the bulls themselves. I’ll rephrase that to the topic is for men who wish to play with hotwives.

You can get this Bull Wanted design on a shirt, cap, cup, phone case, or sticker HERE – Bull Wanted Post-Cubist Style.
So you are a guy. You are into the idea of getting down with a hotwife. Maybe you like the idea that she is married and naughty, or maybe it is the no-strings element that attracts you. Maybe you are all about playing with a wife in front of her husband. It could be that you enjoy the idea of playing with her solo and she goes home to her husband. Whatever your motivations are you are into the idea.
Awesome, so there are thousands of sexy married ladies out there seeking men to play with. Some wan’t gentlemen who pamper them, some want to be used like a ragdoll. Some are dominant, and some are submissive. Some want bulls. Yes, bulls are wanted, but… unless you have somehow found your way into the world of hotwives and swingers as a solo guy you are probably having less luck with hotwives than you would have with random single girls. Why? These are women who are literally looking for men to have sex with. They are motivated for personal reasons, plus have husbands who encourage them. There is no maybe about it. That is their goal. Why are you not having sex with these women if you want to?
I’m going to tell you how you’re most likely messing up.
In the vanilla world, you meet a girl or contact a girl and you must sell yourself in some manner to get her to decide to go from slight interest to deciding to get naked with you. With a hotwife, it is almost the opposite. You meet or contact her, and she is hoping you’ll make the grade, she wants to get naked with someone and you’ve just reached out, not much selling of yourself is necessary, it is just not screwing it up.
Let’s address some of the most common ways you may be screwing it up, and how to actually go about things.
Usually, if you are a single guy and weren’t introduced to play couples and the lifestyle through others in it you will have gotten your ideas through porn, memes, cruddy dating sites, etc. Sorry to tell you, but that is all fake. You also have no way to meet these people in real life because nobody is dragging you around to parties and inviting you. You are stuck with the internet as your first way of approach usually.
I’m going to stick with internet discussions specifically in this one. I’ll cover clubs, random hookups, and special parties and events in other posts.
There are a ton of sites specifically geared towards swingers and hotwifing. Though this site is primarily focused on the Vixen Stag dynamic I regularly mention swingers because there is a huge crossover, and they use many of the same sites. Also, a lot of swinger couples play with single males. Usually, they seek a third for a threesome MFM rather than the husband wishing to watch, but not always, and if you are good you’ll find most couples that are down for that activity will be fine with a second or third round with just you and the wife while the husband sits back. If you are good enough to become a regular you may find you no longer need the internet. Quality men are valued in the lifestyle. You will most likely be introduced to others, and even if not, many sites have verifications and testimonials. We do read those testimonials and think things like “If Judy likes him, and I know Judy, he must be good. Maybe I should meet him.”
So, you are starting with the internet sites. I won’t recommend any particular, but some are really good, some are alright, and some are pure crud. Pick wisely.
Get yourself a membership. Don’t write anybody. Read the forums a lot at first. Try to decipher who is the real deal and who is not. Don’t make a bunch of dumb comments. Just read and unlearn what you learned from porn.
Now set up your profile. Make it nice. Quality pictures with your personality. If you are afraid to post pictures with your face, that is OK. Once you start contacting people though, you will need to send a face picture with initial contact. If you don’t you’ll lose at least 3/4 of those who may have responded from your amazing introduction otherwise.
You’ll lose probably 90% of the people who are long-term and experienced. The reason is that if you don’t send a face picture they don’t know what you look like = a waste of time.
In your profile tell about yourself. “Looking to Fuck” isn’t going to do it. Also, don’t lie. Not about anything. If you have a 5″ cock don’t call yourself huge. If you last five minutes don’t say you can go for hours. Again, this isn’t porn. Not everyone wants a ten-inch cucumber, and almost nobody wants to go for hours.
Once your profile is set up you now need to pay for an account. Yes, pay. If you are not able to afford a membership that allows easy chit-chat back and forth you need a new hobby. Not saying you need a lot of money, most don’t give a crud, but we are talking priorities here. We are also talking about you not seeming as fake until you’ve got a bunch of testimonials, and that it looks like a whim rather than a real desire to get physical.
Time to make your move. Read the profile. See if you are close to what they want. Close is good enough, but only if you think you really have what they are seeking. Then ask yourself “Are they what I am seeking?” If they aren’t then pass that profile by.
You have decided to write them. Do NOT send a dick pic unless they ask for one in the profile. Do not send a one-liner of a “Hey, what is up?”
Do send a short, polite, and to-the-point message. Do answer questions they may have asked in their profile, and point out aspects of why you’d be a great match.
Note that you are talking to a couple. Did the profile say “Bulls Wanted?” Does your profile mention you are a bull?
If the profile said “bulls wanted,” or something similar, then they are wanting a stereotypical alpha-type guy. That does NOT mean rude and demanding. It means a guy who can play the dominant and isn’t going to have anxiety stop him from pushing.
If the account doesn’t use the term “bull” at all, they probably don’t care about that, or they avoid guys who call themselves bulls.
Back to that learning about hotwifing from porn… Guys who haven’t a clue about the realities of hotwives and their husbands often label themselves as bulls because they are assholes, jerks, rude etc. They also often think that every husband of a hotwife is into being dominated or humiliated as well.
That exists, but it is not the norm. It is the exception actually. Also, if you are playing as a dominant bull and you are inexperienced, it is most likely you will fail. If that is truly your vibe, then be honest though. There are couples who play that game and they definitely want that vibe.
Ask about play dynamics if they don’t specify. Let them know what you are up for.
The account may be run by either the male or female, or be shared, but they will both be able to see what you wrote or be told. The best way to approach this is to write as if you are talking to whichever one you assume is the primary account user, (often they will say) and that the other person is sitting right there with them reading it. If you annoy either one by saying something crass or behaving as if one of the people’s opinions aren’t important you are out. Maybe you will be talking to just one person, but treat it as if the other will see it at some point.
If you mess it up, don’t get mad. They are getting many messages from people just like you who didn’t take the time to read their profile or acted like a buffoon. They wanted you to succeed as well.
You didn’t screw it up with a one-liner or by sending a picture of your dingaling without being asked.
Awesome job!
Now a really important thing.
Be legit with your availability, discuss what is expected, and don’t make plans you can’t follow through with. Do make plans quickly if possible.
If you are just looking for chat sex you can find better places to meet chat partners than on sites meant for couples that live a monogamish lifestyle.
Meeting – Unless it is specifically stated by all parties including yourself that you are meeting to play go with the assumption you might, but not will. Even if they say “No playing, just a see if we click meeting.” Many couples will say this and if you do click they will toss out an invite. Some couples like to meet first, and then talk it over later, while others go for it. Some couples like to skip the formalities and just meet to play. Preferences may differ, and often those preferences come from experiences that weren’t so great.
How to be great is to be relaxed. Pay attention to both people. It isn’t a transaction with the husband for the wife, nor is it a date with the woman and the husband is a thing to ignore. If you are feeling unsure about being flirty and forward, just remember that the whole idea is to end up naked together at some point. Don’t make the conversation 100% about play, but before you head to get naked make sure you have a good idea of what they want for play.
Made it to the bedroom? Hotel, house, whatever? Relax and go with it. If you’ve been invited to a threesome the couple is probably pretty experienced and knows how to lead. If you’ve scored yourself a straight-up hotwife who is going to get down with you while her husband watches, remember that it is a show for him as well, but pleasure the wife above all else. If you give her a good time and him a good show you will possibly be invited back and maybe be recommended to others or invited to events.
Afterwards is part of the play. If a threesome don’t dart. Once all is over let the moment chill and then leave casual style like you’d have left if invited to a nice dinner. If it was a hotwife show, and no round two is expected (ask if you need to) you should usually get out the door pretty quick. You need to do it in a polite way though, and the reason you most likely should bail quickly is that couples often want to get right to the reclaiming, so all you need to do is ask. “So, would you two like some alone time now?” Pretty simple.
Lastly, if you had a great time let them know then, and reach out to them the next day to let them know again. They will appreciate it, and if you wish to play again, let them know.
There you go, how to do the websites. Bulls are wanted. Men who don’t act as bulls are wanted. You, if you do it right are very needed.

You can get this Bull Wanted shirt, cap, cup, phone case, or sticker HERE – Bull Wanted Post-Cubist Style.
Also, if you wish to see all our designs you can check out this recent post on Where to get our Vixen Hotwife shirts. Amongst other things, you’ll find some flirty and suggestive designs that may magically grab the attention of a guy who is in the know. Are bulls wanted?
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