Vixen Definition

What is a Vixen and what does Vixen mean are questions I see on a daily basis when I’m scrolling through my various feeds online. The Vixen Definition seems to be something people outside of the little world Stags and Vixens play in like to argue about. People who don’t know any Vixens playing expert with their definitions.
They are usually wrong.
It isn’t that hard folks.

Vixen Definition in relation to Vixen wives shirt design

Pretty simple, and you can get this on a T-shirt or Tank HERE – Vixen Wife Definition Shirt by Vixen-Games.
1. a female fox.
a spirited or fierce woman, especially one seen as sexually attractive.
“an outrageous feisty vixen”
a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage,
with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved.

When I most often see the questions “What is a Vixen?” and “What does Vixen mean?” there are some add-ons. The person ran into the term while perusing reddit, or it came up on quora, or some such other thing while they were doing something else. Maybe they were swingers on a dating site and hotwifing had come up in an open chat as a topic and someone corrected another person resulting in a conversation. Porn makers constantly tag their cuckold porn with #StagandVixen in order to get more hits. It confuses people and makes it so that many have less of an understanding after being “educated” by the random adult media consumer or newbie swinger than they had before.

In it’s simplest form a Vixen is married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage,
with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved.
There exist a bunch of things that usually go along with it.
Usually the husband has a very active part in finding playmates. Sometimes he is the only one who does.
Usually the husband likes to watch, and if so that is a requirement to their games.
Often the husband is into taking pictures.
Always the Vixen and her husband decide on play styles based on what they both would enjoy and find interesting.
The Vixen knows she is pleasing her husband with whatever play she does and actively works to do so.
The sexual acts are purely physical acts as the couple is otherwise monogamous.
They (The Vixen and her husband) use these activities to make their relationship bond stronger.

The list could go on.

Often when someone is explaining what a Vixen and Stag are they compare it to a Hotwife and Cuckolding. The reality is that you will find closer relationship dynamics to a hotwife/cuckold relationship within traditional swinging couples than with Vixens and Stags.

In the case of Vixens and their husbands you will have sexually nonmonogamous behavior that is meant to thrill, titillate, amuse, excite, etc. both the Vixen wife and her Stag husband.
With traditional swinging couples you will often find couples who are seeking their thrills with other people, and while their spouse is receiving pleasure and entertainment as well, it is not necessarily through each others activities.
The swinger wife may be a wife that loves to give her husband a show when with another man, but she also may not care at all about that. The man she is married to may love watching her, but he also may not get off on her activities, may even just be going along with it because the arrangement must exist for him to be able to have his own dalliances.
In essence the husband of a swinger wife in such a situation is knowingly being cucked so he may have what he wishes outside of his primary relationship.
Obviously that is not the primary reason a majority of swingers partake in the swinger lifestyle, but many do.
This is one of the reasons that full swap situations amongst swingers often comes off as a trade. Couple A and couple B meet up and basically trade spouses for a sexual romp and then away they go.
From my personal experiences which spanned many years I can say that a large percentage of couples in the lifestyle play this way. It is a tit for tat swap with rules either very clearly laid out or unwritten rules that say “If I am not playing, you are not playing.” If the man from couple A can get just one erection and the man from couple B can get three they will often still only play once. If the man from couple A has erection difficulties from anxiety or to much alcohol, or some other thing it is common in swinging for the play session to be cut short even if the man from couple B is ready to rumble for hours.
I have personally been subjected to aftermath drama situations when the play went on while a man who couldn’t rise or who finished early half heartedly played along or sat and watched even though he insisted the play go on. Not just once, but multiple times over the years. The man felt cucked and didn’t like it. Another outcome of that scenario which I had to deal with a few times was the man feeling cucked and he did like it. He then would begin to encourage his wife to play solo on a more frequent and regular basis, while he himself did not increase frequency of play. In these cases it either lead to marriage difficulties or the woman becoming a hotwife or swinger-hotwife hybrid who played with others without her husband more often than they participating in swinging as a couple.
All of this behavior is just fine. Swingers play in many different ways and for many different reasons.

None of this resembles a Vixen’s behavior or that of her husband. The Vixen plays for both herself and for her husband at all times. The husband of the Vixen enjoys her sexual activities himself, so if they were involved in a swinger style full swap and he as a Stag failed to rise or finished early he would desire his Vixen to continue playing. If it was a finished early situation he’d most likely hope she play a long time and with a lot of satisfaction and enthusiasm. The more fun she has and the longer she plays the more chance he will be able to rise again. His rising again will be from his enjoying the action, and it will be for her. She as a Vixen knows this. She is not worried about what her husband is thinking if he is watching her and she is having a good time. She knows her pleasure is his. She knows she will be giving him sexy daydreams for the remainder of the week. She is doubly turned on while playing by the idea of how turned on her Stag will be tomorrow.

You could also take the scenario to a club. The swinger couple mingles, they meet a great couple. They have a rendezvous’ in a play room together. A majority rather than a minority of swinger couples will both be done playing when one is done. Not all, but most.
If the swinger wife wishes to play all night while her husband waits around it is usually not even allowed, and if it is many men just wait it out with no joy. Some will even be putting up with it, but hating it. They are again being cucked. Knowingly, willingly, and for their own reasons which aren’t exactly their spouses joy.
With a Stag and Vixen couple the Vixen may play as much as she likes even if the Stag is done. The Stag will even encourage it. Back to that Vixen Definition – a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved. That is what she’s doing. At no point in that Vixen Definition does it say the husband of a Vixen must be physically getting it on.
At no point in that Vixen Definition does it say the husband of a Vixen can’t be getting it on either. A vixen’s husband may or may not be playing with others. If he is a Stag he is more into his wife’s play than anything else, but that does not specifically exclude other forms of play.

A Hotwife and Cuckold type relationship differs greatly from the Vixen and Stag relationship. A Hotwife married to a cuckold is the power holder. If she is not, she plays one when it comes to the hotwife/cuckold scenario. She usually, but not always has a free pass to have sex with who and whenever she pleases. A unlimited hallpass so to speak. Usually she doesn’t need to even make her husband aware of the act while doing it, but often a rule is in place where she must confess, tell the story, or show videos or pictures after the fact. In most cases there is an aspect of humiliation and a lot of power play involved. She may verbally or physically humiliate her husband as part of their play. The husband may be required to wear a cock cage, women’s panties, or even full on women’s clothes with makeup.
Commonly in such a scenario the hotwife in these situations will actively bully their husband and belittle his penis. They will over exaggerate their other lover’s prowess and sexual feats to their husbands when describing them.
Does this scenario fit the Vixen Definition?
Weirdly it kinda does in a roundabout way.
A Vixen is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved.
In the Hotwife and Cuckold scenario I described just that, but the cuckold receives his pleasure through a sort of masochistic mindset based path.
Also I described just a generic cuckold and hotwife type fantasy situation that is highly desirable for many who identify as cuckolds, but is in no way the norm. There is no norm for a hotwife except that she is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage with the consent of her husband. She can be mild or wild, and as far as humiliations go when it comes to her husband, it could be as minor as saying “I need some extra,” or as cruel as forcing him to do acts he dislikes to both her and her lovers while denying him any physical pleasure himself. There may be zero humiliations involved at all beyond the mere fact that she is taking extra lovers or a lover. The rules of the game are up to each individual couple to work out.

Lets compare those definitions.
Vixen Definition – a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage,
with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved.
Hotwife Definition – a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage with the consent of her husband.
So similar, but different.
Defining a swinger wife is similar as well.
A Vixen however is always a type of hotwife. She is not always a type of swinger.
There is a lot of crossover between these things, but the basic dynamics and the why and how of what goes on makes them very different.
Also the husband’s desires and mentality make the dynamic what it is as much as the activities of the women themselves.
Again we see the similarities. The woman who goes to the swing club and swaps, the Vixen that gives a show to her Stag, and the Hotwife who comes home from a date to tell her husband “I misbehaved” all are playing within boundaries worked out as a couple.
These are also ALL forms of consensual nonmonogamy. No one way is better than another way. Human desires and what brings them a sense of fulfilment differ in ways we will never be able to define.
Judge not another’s pleasures if those pleasures cause no harm.

1. a female fox.
a spirited or fierce woman, especially one seen as sexually attractive.
“an outrageous feisty vixen”
a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage,
with the full knowledge and encouragement of her husband in a manner that brings pleasure to all parties involved.

Don’t forget the Vixen Definition shirt design you saw earlier. You can get it HERE – Vixen Wife Definition Shirt by Vixen-Games.

Since I talked a lot about how different people may or may not play I’d suggest checking out HOTWIFING RULES to get an idea about how people can talk and create their own rules and guidelines for play.
You may also be interested in A Generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is. It is a simple explanation from a slightly different angle than what was talked about in this longer one.

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