We’ve been having a lot of fun with this site and Vixen games in general. Obviously with Vixen Games, who doesn’t love those? Vanillas I suppose, but we love them.
The articles/posts have been fun, and watching the site grow as well.
Shirts though are what started all this. Shirt designs.
We’ve been working on something new. We will have More Stag and Vixen Shirt Options On The Way.
So far we’ve been putting our designs on POD sites that have a lot of rules which don’t always mesh with what we are doing and lack control options we would have enjoyed having.
Not all of them are friendly towards consensual nonmonogamy, and some were downright against hotwife-related designs.
We ended up still uploading designs, but we don’t link to those sites here on Vixen-games.Com. We decided to go with something that is a bit more work but gives us a tad more control in the design arena and in what we can offer.
We will be running it off a new domain vixengamesdesigns.com.
That site will be used as a design board where we will be offering up custom options as well for both individuals and clubs.
So it isn’t just more stag and vixen shirt options on the way.
It will be custom Stag, Vixen, Hotwifing, Swinger, Polyamory, and anything else that fits within the monogimish lifestyle vibe. We will keep posting here with our opinion pieces, info posts, and general hotwifing-related articles obviously.
We know some of you will be excited that we will have more stag and vixen shirt options on the way. Maybe not as excited as us, but excited nonetheless. We have a bunch of things already there, but not enough to really launch it as a site. It is all running though so what you find there is available, and you can purchase the items. If you’d like to Check it out while we are working on it you can do so HERE – The Vixen Games Designs Store. Or click the pic…

Besides there being more stag and vixen shirt options on the way, we are also planning to make a bunch of other items we haven’t offered before. Still keeping it casual, but not just shirts and hoodies which have been our mainstay so far. If you have suggestions as to things we may have been overlooking feel free to let us know. We are leaving comments open on this one so you can do so there or on our newly set up Instagram. You can also contact us via the new (unfinished) store we are working on. Bottom of the page.
Lastly, we will still be using the sites we already do, and in the way we already do. If you want to peruse through all of our Stag and Vixen Hotwife-related designs check out this page – Where To Get Our Vixen Hotwife & Stag Shirts. All the main places we offer our designs are located there. Eventually, our new store will be ready to add to that page.