Swinging as a fun social life

Many swingers use swinging as a fun social life activity.
You may remember a post titled Why I swing (The Vixen) from back in November when we mentioned a project we were working on involving asking women who are involved in the swingers lifestyle why they swing and what they get out of it.
The fruits of our labors have been realized.
You may now look up Vixen Games Why Women Swing and What The Get Out Of It on most music streaming services and hear fourteen fabulous tracks with thirteen being women explaining their reasons for swinging, what they get from it, and in some cases how they got into the swinger lifestyle.
Look it up, and give it a listen on whatever service you use.

We are also putting together lyrics videos for YouTube. They aren’t really lyrics, just responses, but as it’s all to music they serve as lyrics.

Swinging as a fun social life. This one is track two. Bev says The swinger lifestyle is her fun social life.

Social swingers is what we call such people, and I can say for a time (Years) I fell into that category. Participating in swinging as a fun social life activity is pretty normal.
Usually it isn’t how people get into swinging or why they participate at first, but the social aspect is often what keeps people there.
The play for many such people becomes secondary.
Here we can look at one person’s answer to why they swing and what they get out of it through that lens.

Bev: “The swinger lifestyle is my fun social life, and it beats the hell out of my less fun vanilla one. We’ve got a good sex life, but my husband only lasts about half the time I’d really like, and sometimes I even want more than that. The clubs give us opportunities to experience variety in lovers and if he’s done it doesn’t mean I have to be. Sometimes I like a long night of it. Can any one man do that after forty? and back to the social part… once you go swingers it’s tough to go back. Vanillas just seem so basic, so uptight, so judgy. The swinger lifestyle is my fun social life, and it beats the hell out of my less fun vanilla one.

In this case we have a few motivations for being in the swingers lifestyle beyond the swinging as a fun social life.
One motivation seems to be that she has a higher sex drive than her husband, or at least when she is in the mood she sometimes likes more and longer activity than he does or can provide.
It sounds as if this was a a big reason they got into the lifestyle. We don’t have more info, but maybe it was simply a case of him only wanting or being into a session for a half hour or so and she liked it when it went a full hour or more.
It could be he simply couldn’t last past the fifteen minute mark and she needed twice that.
Next she talks about variety. This is something that many people love. If it was a motivator to try the lifestyle or not for her isn’t clear, but even if it wasn’t, it appears that once the variety was experienced it was appreciated.
Swinging as a fun social life is then explained.
Once she experienced the more relaxed and less judgmental swinger circles it made vanilla events and people seem a bit lackluster.
This is a common thing for many in the lifestyle.

We will be looking at all the answers we got and used, plus some we didn’t use for the album over time. We hope you enjoy them, and if you are part of the vanilla world and looking at swinging or hotwifing we hope they are educational as well. That was our main reason for the project. There is a lot of variety in the answers given.

Also, if you are new here… We are T-shirt makers that specialize in designs for monogamish lifestyles. You can check out our Vixen Games Design Store HERE and see if anything fits your lifestyle vibe.