This is something many in the lifestyle must deal with. Wannabe hotwife bulls are usually guys who have watched too much triple X media and think what they see is real.
They get into the hotwife idea and want to be what the videos they watch have shown as a “Bull.” 90% of the time real couples into hotwifing want nothing to do with such things.
More than 90% of the time really.
What these wannabe hotwife bulls are seeing online is just fantasy, it’s fake. Just like a action movie isn’t real. The fantasy action you have viewed is usually targeted either towards single men who want to play the part of the bull or towards partnered men who are into the cuckholding fantasy. It is exaggerated and not realistic. Even guys with huge cuck fantasies don’t want things playing out as you have been viewing them on the hub. Exceptions exist, but they are rare. So, if you are a wannabe hotwife bull and actually want to be a real bull, maybe you’ll get a hint from this lovely song.
Yep, we made a song for you wannabe hotwife bulls that aren’t getting the difference between fantasy and reality.
We made this one because we get a lot of messages concerning this subject from couples into the hotwifing thing and how to navigate it.
As we have met our share of wannabe hotwife bulls and know others IRL who have as well we thought we’d make it as a public service for wannabe bulls and as entertainment for the couples involved in the hotwife lifestyle.
This should hit streaming services within the month, but currently is only available via YouTube with this lyrics video.
Here it is on Youtube:
If you qualify as a wannabe hotwife bull we hope you take the song to heart. We also hope that if you have been acting in the manner described you take no offense. We hope instead you learn and change.
Without the single guys who are into Hotwife play there is no Hotwife play.
Every hotwife and every guy married to one wishes there existed more men seeking out married women who partake in consensual nonmonogamy. You as a man are both needed and wanted within the lifestyle.
There is even a shortage of quality play partners most would say.
Quality is the key.
This site primarily deals with the Vixen and Stag type relationship.
In Cuckholding most men do want a bit of degrading or to be the beta guy to a stronger and more virile man. Even in cuckholding the male is in reality a gatekeeper and should be treated with respect outside of the prescribed games. If into such games the Hotwife and or the Cuck will let you know their game. Don’t assume.
With a Vixen and Stag situation you can assume. What you can assume is that the male half of the couple is viewing you as a prospective sex partner for HIS Vixen and that IF he likes you enough and feels you measure up he MAY let you in the door. He also may let you come back for more if you please her and him in the various ways a couple into Vixen Games enjoys being pleased.
In our case for example… it comes down to sexually satisfying her along with playing along with whatever games she has going on in her head at that time. For myself I want a good show and I want a chill guy who can be relaxed enough to just get into it.
I’ll mention here too that I am in many ways way more picky than she is when it comes to partners for her play. We are both possessive of each other and play Vixen Games for our own benefit as a couple. If you as a prospective bull annoy me I definitely won’t allow you the pleasure of my Vixen.
Here is an analogy which you can view as advice when it comes to how you should treat a Stag when it comes to getting with his Vixen.
Imagine the Stag as someone who is giving out interest free loans or even grants and they are limited. You want one. How are you going to act?
Now imagine the Vixen as someone offering free luxury stays at a nice resort to those who have been given an OK for the interest free loan or grant by the Stag. Again they are limited. How will you treat this person?
If you get your grant and luxury stay there is a chance you will be invited back again. How will you treat the staff and how will you take care of your room if you want to come back?
In other words be cool and be real. Cool gets you in the door and real get’s you invited back for more.
Here are the lyrics again:
Ah, another wanna be bull,
You poor thing,
think you’re cool,
Acting like a rooster,
but all I see is a fool.
You call yourself a bull,
pretend you’re swinging real long,
Being rude believing porno scripts,
you’ve got it all wrong.
I may be naughty,
and even easy if you’re fine,
But you’re a fake and a loser,
I’m gonna have to decline.
Here’s where you went wrong,
A hotwife already has it all.
Not realizing guys like you are a dime a dozen was your downfall.
Next time if you get a chance,
Don’t play at being daddy dom porno man.
Don’t strut your fake macho.
Don’t beat your chest like Tarzan.
Come on sweet and classy,
Bring real game and honesty.
Treat me like a queen,
and my husband like a king.
That is what a hotwife wants to see.
Be clean,
be cool,
be a flirt,
and wait a bit to get dirty.
If you’re all in a rush and playing it fake you’ll just get rejected.
We both need to be respected,
That is what’s expected.
A real bull is a man who knows how to bring pleasure.
A real bull treats a hotwife like treasure.
He knows a Stag is a gatekeeper,
and so is a cuck.
He’s a guest,
and no more,
it’s his pleasure to play their games.
If he’s good he’ll be asked again,
and introduced to others.
That’s when you can call yourself a bull.
If you ever meet a hotwife again,
one in which you have interest,
Make her laugh,
make her smile,
make her feel amazing before you ever touch her and you have won half of the game.
Don’t talk yourself up,
don’t pretend at what you’re not,
be honest and friendly.
That is what we want.
This ain’t no bull.
No bull at all.
Ah, another wanna be bull,
We may talk about all the Vixen and Stag stuff here on Vixen-Games.Com and in this case showing our lyrics and giving advice for Wannabe Hotwife Bulls, but we are mostly about T-shirts. Here is a shirt that is good for a Vixen, a Stag, or a Bull. The Trifecta Vixen Stag and Bull T-shirt with Bull Stag and Vixen drawing.

It doesn’t say anything, it’s cool art, (thank you very much) can be worn anywhere, and shows you know about and are into Vixen Games to those who are also into Vixen Games.
If you want more on this topic we suggest checking out No Bull. This gets into Vixen Stag dynamics and why many avoid any man who calls himself a bull. Spoiler, the article you just read touched on that.