December is here, and it is time for our November Shirt design roundup. . No articles or opinions today folks, just a great Vixen Hotwife and Stag T-Shirt Roundup of the shirt designs I posted in November 2023 with links to the articles that accompany them. You’ll find larger images of the designs in the original posts, and links to get them as T-shirts. Until you click, the articles you will find are a mystery, but the shirt designs that accompany the article may give a hint. May, not will. Enjoy.

Pre-Hotwifing threats – A Vixen fox face with flames to represent “hot” and the words “Naughty” and “Vixen.” This shirt image was obviously designed for a Vixen Hotwife.

Queen Of Diamonds Black Hotwives – Our very first special request T-Shirt design was this Queen Of Diamonds with White Cock Rooster card design. It was a remake of a Queen Of Spades Hotwife Card design previously made. Since posting this one I found Social media comment people seem split on it being a Queen Of Diamonds or a Queen Of Hearts being the representation of what the person requested. Their profiles are usually closed off from view or have nothing to do with hotwifing though so I am believing the person who requested the design on the meaning since he is a black male married to a black female, and is actively involved in this sort of hotwifing.

Peace, Love & Pineapples -A peace hand sign, a heart, and an upside-down pineapple make for a sweet design for anybody in the Swinger Lifestyle. This one has turned out to be a popular sticker more than a T-shirt so far.

Hotwife and Stag baseball caps – Hats. Our designs on hats.

Every Day Is Cheat Day – A funny design basically playing on all the vanilla life cheat day related shirts people like. Every Day is a cheat day! Just kidding, I don’t need to cheat, my husband likes to watch.

Vixen Stag Meaning – A cool and classy Stag and Vixen design that simply says “Together” because that is simply the way of it.

It’s not cheating if my husband watches – This was kinda our most popular design this month. It was heavily shared and liked on various sites, and it was (is) doing cool as a sticker. The reason I say “kinda” is it hasn’t been super popular as an actual shirt. I’m happy about the sticker and magnet love though. It all adds up and allows me to dedicate more time to Vixen Games than I’d be able to do otherwise.
The person who requested the Queen Of Diamonds design above claimed it was hard to contact us because we didn’t have email or forms listed here on the site. I’ll say to you all that you may feel free to message via any of our accounts you’ve stumbled across and follow.
To make it extra easy though, I’m going to leave comments open on our once-a-month roundup posts from now on unless it becomes a spam battle.
Lastly… since I mentioned the popularity of our stickers, we have stickers HERE – Vixen Games Stickers as well. For some reason, we get a lot of attention in the sticker realm everywhere we are offering them except in this one. They are low-cost vinyl stickers and waterproof.
That was our Vixen Hotwife and Stag T-Shirt Roundup for the Month of November 2023. Hopefully, you found a design or article you enjoyed.
You can find all our designs and places to get our T-shirts and other things by going HERE – Where To Get Our Vixen Hotwife & Stag Shirts.