Monogamish is a funny-sounding word, and for many people a funny thing to be, or think of being. Funny as in strange, not as in haha. Many people look at the world and try to paint it as black or white. They live in an either-or-type universe. That makes it so they can understand being … Read more

Cream-Filled Donut Innuendo

Everyone should love a good innuendo. They should especially love a cream-filled donut innuendo. If you happen to be someone in a Vixen and Stag relationship I think enjoying a cream-filled donut innuendo is almost a requirement. Enjoying it and wanting it as a T-shirt are two different things though. This particular design, which features … Read more

Hotwifing Rules

Welcome to Hotwife University. This particular post is for people new to the hotwife life and is particularly aimed at those interested in the Stag and Vixen dynamic. It applies to all sorts of hotwing activities, swinging, and some other variations of monogamish lifestyles. Today we will be discussing rules. Hotwifing rules to be more … Read more