The basic benefits of being a Vixen

The Vixen- what is she? What does she do? What does she get out of it? The basic benefits of being a Vixen wife are pretty obvious, or are they? Not all are Vixens. A married woman who becomes aroused by the idea of having intercourse or performing other sexual activities with another man while … Read more

A Generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is

A regular topic that comes up when people are starting to explore hotwifing and other forms of monogamish lifestyle dynamics is what a Vixen Hotwife is.Basically, my goal here is to share a very basic description of a Vixen. Give you a generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is to play around with in … Read more

Vixen Hotwife Swinger Swingset

After my little post on the Swingers Lifestyle a couple of days ago, I got some feedback on social media regarding the more profound topic: are hotwives swingers, and are swinging wives hotwives? The jury is out for some, but for others, it is a big yes. That inspired me to do a more simple … Read more