Part-time Unicorn full-time Vixen

This Part-time Unicorn full-time Vixen design was inspired. It also led to this post idea so besides being an awesome design for any Vixen Hotwife that likes to play as a unicorn, it has functioned as a catalyst for an interesting Vixen Games post. Part-time Unicorn full-time Vixen! You can get this design HERE – … Read more

Play frequency with Stag and Vixen Couples

How often does a Vixen play with another man besides her husband if they are in a Stag and Vixen relationship? A better way to phrase it would be “How often should a Vixen play with another man?”The truth is that no matter how you phrase it, the question can’t be answered with numbers.Play frequency … Read more

Heteroflexible Swingers

They are for the most part straight, but in certain play situations, they will go the other way. That doesn’t make them truly bisexual. Isn’t like they are going to date the same gender. Nope, they just physically play that way. A label exists for everything nowadays. This particular label has been around for a … Read more

Part time bull rider – Full time Vixen

For some people being a Hotwife is one of the more dominant aspects of their life. They are always playing and much of their lives revolve around hotwifing. Others may include hotwifing activities in their lives as more of a rare occasional activity. The majority of Hotwives fall somewhere in the middle. The activities are … Read more

What is a stag husband?

What exactly is a stag husband? This is a common question. It is at its core easy to answer if going with the most simple definition. A Stag husband is a man who actively participates in facilitating or observing his wife’s sexual encounters with other people. He receives personal pleasure from encouraging and providing a … Read more