Being a shared wife

The term “wife sharing” has always been a bit thorny to me as a guy who doesn’t exactly think of it as “sharing” per se.She is mine, I’m possessive, and I don’t share. People sometimes use the term “wife sharing” in place of wife swapping or swinging. If used to replace wife-swapping, husband-swapping, or partner-swapping … Read more

The Little Vixen That Could

This design was made in a joking manner and originally was just going to be a picture with “Vixen Games” written on the train. It is a one-track train, a toy, and the Vixen is running the train. The Little Vixen That Could. I think it makes a fun T-shirt. You can get this T-shirt … Read more

Why I decided to become a hotwife

If you are a hotwife have you ever looked back and considered your reasons for taking the plunge? Have you ever started a sentence with “Why I decided to become a hotwife is because____?”Becoming a hotwife is a big decision.Just giving it a try and stepping back from it if you find it isn’t for … Read more

Every hotel room has the chair

It is true that every hotel room has the chair. It is a funny joke to a lot of people. Not just people in monogamish relationships, but vanillas as well. So many names for it. The seat with a view, the stag chair, the sneako chair, the cuck chair, the VIP seating, the hotwife chair, … Read more