Dealing with judgy swingers

Dealing with judgy swingers is something few Stags and Vixens wish to do.Many Stags and Vixens walk a fine line between what others view as the swinger lifestyle and Hotwives and Cuckoldry. They end up dealing with a lot of swingers who are ignorant about the dynamic. Oddly many swingers are more ignorant about Stags and … Read more

Vixen Hotwife QOS Appeal

Vixens like many other hotwives often play the game of being a Queen of spades. What is it and why you may wonder?A Queen of Spades is a woman who is not black, and who specifically makes herself out to be primarily interested in or available to black men. She may exclusively play with black … Read more

Part time bull rider – Full time Vixen

For some people being a Hotwife is one of the more dominant aspects of their life. They are always playing and much of their lives revolve around hotwifing. Others may include hotwifing activities in their lives as more of a rare occasional activity. The majority of Hotwives fall somewhere in the middle. The activities are … Read more