The basic benefits of being a Vixen

The Vixen- what is she? What does she do? What does she get out of it? The basic benefits of being a Vixen wife are pretty obvious, or are they? Not all are Vixens. A married woman who becomes aroused by the idea of having intercourse or performing other sexual activities with another man while … Read more

A Generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is

A regular topic that comes up when people are starting to explore hotwifing and other forms of monogamish lifestyle dynamics is what a Vixen Hotwife is.Basically, my goal here is to share a very basic description of a Vixen. Give you a generic definition of what a Vixen Hotwife is to play around with in … Read more

Hotwifing Rules

Welcome to Hotwife University. This particular post is for people new to the hotwife life and is particularly aimed at those interested in the Stag and Vixen dynamic. It applies to all sorts of hotwing activities, swinging, and some other variations of monogamish lifestyles. Today we will be discussing rules. Hotwifing rules to be more … Read more

My Husband Will Drive

Of the more common Vixen Games played one of the favorites for many couples is both easy and hard to play depending on where you live, how you interact with people socially, and the types of places you frequent when going out. That game is basically one I like to call “My Husband Will Drive.” … Read more

Vanilla Vixen Hotwife

The term Vanilla when it comes to sex means different things to different people. There are people who are so vanilla in my opinion and by my standards that it is almost ridiculous that think they are not vanilla. They think of vanilla sex as missionary sex plus kissing and fondling. Going beyond that is … Read more

Does your husband approve?

The question is usually a bit more passive, something like “Does your husband know?” or “Is your husband ok with it?” rather than a strait “Does your husband approve?” It is still basically the same question. It is a valid question for people not in the know. As are the more direct versions which often … Read more