Psychological validation and reclaiming through oral in hotwifing

A topic of interest and occasional conversation amongst some traditional spouse swap swingers and vanillas alike who run into hotwifing topics online is the oral fixation they encounter with hotwife stories, videos, and memes. The cuck or Stag going down on his wife immediately after she plays no matter if a condom was used or … Read more

An angel by day

If you decide to go looking through forums or social media with a focus on hotwives, hotwifing, Vixens and Stags, etc. you will inevitably end up running into a lot of memes and posts from men who have a fantasy of an extremely perfect seeming wife as general society would dictate who is also a … Read more

A Hotwife’s Midnight Gamble

This is A Hotwife’s Midnight Gamble club mix.It’s a bit of a pumped up and extended version of A Hotwife’s Midnight Gamble made for club play. It’s a lower quality YouTube version we’ve linked here than you’ll find on streaming services. Still… It’s cool, sexy, and fun. If you are into hotwifing and naughtiness especially. … Read more

Super pussy

Everyone has different tastes. Vaginas are all different. It isn’t just in visuals, but inside as well. One guy’s idea of a super pussy will probably not be exactly the same as another person’s. What is a super pussy? It’s that pussy that makes a guy go crazy.Sometimes it immediately makes a guy want to … Read more