Dealing with judgy swingers

Dealing with judgy swingers is something few Stags and Vixens wish to do.Many Stags and Vixens walk a fine line between what others view as the swinger lifestyle and Hotwives and Cuckoldry. They end up dealing with a lot of swingers who are ignorant about the dynamic. Oddly many swingers are more ignorant about Stags and … Read more

Spicing up your Vixen Games

If you are a new Vixen Hotwife or a new Stag it may seem a little crazy to be talking about spicing up your Vixen Games because almost every encounter is a case of fast heartbeats, new adventures, and leaves you with a wash of emotions. The thing is, no matter what you are doing … Read more

The Little Vixen That Could

This design was made in a joking manner and originally was just going to be a picture with “Vixen Games” written on the train. It is a one-track train, a toy, and the Vixen is running the train. The Little Vixen That Could. I think it makes a fun T-shirt. You can get this T-shirt … Read more

What turned her on about hotwifing before becoming a real Vixen

Earlier this month we gave you Why I decided to become a hotwife and everyone seemed to like it. It was one person’s reasons for becoming a hotwife. The deciding factors that made her go from fantasy to the real deal. Before making that decision and saying “I want to be a hotwife and will … Read more

Why I decided to become a hotwife

If you are a hotwife have you ever looked back and considered your reasons for taking the plunge? Have you ever started a sentence with “Why I decided to become a hotwife is because____?”Becoming a hotwife is a big decision.Just giving it a try and stepping back from it if you find it isn’t for … Read more

Starting Slow With Hotwife Games

We live in a world of instant gratification. Patience isn’t a trait all people have. When considering hotwife games many spend a lot of time talking about it and then when decided decide to just jump right in. That will work for some, but most people would do better starting slow with hotwife games. Testing … Read more

Vixen Hotwife QOS Appeal

Vixens like many other hotwives often play the game of being a Queen of spades. What is it and why you may wonder?A Queen of Spades is a woman who is not black, and who specifically makes herself out to be primarily interested in or available to black men. She may exclusively play with black … Read more